
Dr. Jessica Chen is a clinical psychologist, professor, and academic researcher with expertise in trauma, chronic pain, anxiety, and health behavior change.

Photo Credit:  Kimie James

My career as a psychologist began in 2005 when I worked as a research assistant at New York University. I conducted screenings and clinical evaluations for a research study that tested the efficacy of a trauma-focused psychotherapy tailored for women with childhood abuse histories. 


I went on to complete my doctoral studies in Clinical Psychology at the University of Washington, where I further specialized in treatment for posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and the implementation of tele-mental health services


During my graduate training, I had the privilege of receiving clinical training from the developers of leading evidence-based treatments, including Prolonged Exposure for PTSD, Behavioral Activation for depression, Dialectical Behavior Therapy skills, and Functional Analytic Psychotherapy for improving relationships. These experiences taught me the underlying rationale and principles behind each therapy and how to apply these flexibly with each individual client. 


I completed my internship and fellowship training at the VA Puget Sound, Seattle Division, where I practiced as a Staff Psychologist in the Pain Rehabilitation program from 2018-2022. During my VA training, I developed expertise in behavioral medicine (the use of psychological principles to treat overlapping mental and physical health conditions) and issues affecting military and veteran communities.


In addition to my clinical practice, I am an Assistant Professor in the School of Medicine at the University of Washington. I have an active research program focused on health equity, expanding the reach of evidence-based psychotherapies, and putting patient-centered care into routine practice. I also teach and provide supervision to psychology interns and fellows. 


Creating a career as a clinician, teacher, and researcher, balanced with being a parent, has given me insight into the challenges and rewards of pursuing one’s dreams while working within established institutions.